domingo, 17 de marzo de 2024

VOLVER (RETURN) by Clara Lee Lundberg och Pedro Flores Maldonado

Volver (Return) is the third and last part of the trilogy "La Poética del Cuerpo" (Poetics of the Body). Its an experimental and deeply personal film recorded in Colima (Mexico) and Nåttarö (Sweden) and post-produced in Argentina.

Volver (Return) explores different questions that arise when you are a migrant:

Why are we leaving? What does belonging mean? When will we be part of a new country? And what happens when we return to the place where we were born?

After twenty years of friendship and work together in several countries, the film director Pedro Flores Maldonado and the dancer-choreographer Clara Lee Lundberg reflect together on the topic "belonging", and explore the marks left on the body by transit through their countries of origin, Mexico and Sweden respectively, and by the countries that they shared; Cuba and Argentina. Volver (Return) is a monument to friendship, life and art.

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