miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

DELIRIO / Lucio Vannucci

Hace una semana estrenamos finalmente el video de Lucio Vannucci, cantante rosarino. El rodaje lo hicimos de la manera más tranquila y descontracturada y así mismo fue el montaje y el resultado. Espero les guste!

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012


El tunel, la conocida novela del escritor Ernesto Sábato,  ha servido como fuente de inspiración para la realización de este monólogo. La historia de un pintor, que se ve irresistiblemente atraído por una enigmática mujer, sirvió a su autor para trazar un preciso retrato de la autodestrucción, la soledad y la tortura. Dirección de Andrés Bazzalo, interpretación y adaptación de Roberto Ibáñez. Diseño y fotografía de Pedro Flores Maldonado.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Maquinaria Vasta / Barrabás.

Hace casi dos años que estrenamos este video para la banda argentina Barrabás. Así que es un buen momento para mostrarles este trabajo, realizado en colaboración con Emiliano Ciolfi.

Maquinaria Vasta / Barrabás. from Pedro Flores Maldonado on Vimeo.

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012



Corpus from Pedro Flores Maldonado on Vimeo.


Corpus is a bodily essay in a video format that explores spaces, materials, body and place using the French, contemporary philosopher Jean Luc Nancy's masterpiece "58 indices on the body" as a trigger. It is a reflection about spatial memories, a physical, sweaty meeting between a dancer and a room, between movement and text, between wood, metal, stone and skin. Corpus is a dance video artwork who wants to create physical reactions in the viewer and simultaneously make critical issues. In what way is the female body represented in the dance world today? In what way does it affect the viewer to only see the back of a body, a naked body? If I say "my body", does in relate to ownership? Is it me who owns my body or does my body owns me? How does my naked body relate and react into silence and coldness? 

Technical Specifications

Title: Corpus
Duration: approx. 9 minutes
Concept, choreography editing and idea: Clara Lee Lundberg
Concept, photography, editing and idea: Pedro Flores Maldonado
Original Music: Carl Bromell
Original text: Jean Luc Nancy (from his essay "58 indices about the body")
The film is made with the support of the Swedish Embassy in Buenos Aires.

Here it is the Trailer video:

Exhibition List

Presented i work in progress-format:

DanceWEB Marathon / Impuls Tanz Festival 2011 (Vienna, Austria) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2011(Chicago, USA).

Presented in final format:

Dancefilm festival Agita y Sirva 2012 (México, different cities)
Göteborgs Dans och Teater Festival, May 2012 (Gotemburg, Sweden)
Dancefilm festival Dança em Foco, August 29 - Sept. 9 2012 (Espaço SESC, Rio de Janeiro)

CV Clara Lee Lundberg

Dancer, Choreographer Stockholm, Sweden 1980

Clara Lee Lundberg is an independent dancer and choreographer. Using dance and bodywork as art activist methods, she has a particular interest in investigation of social and political relations, neocolonial structures, queer theory, aesthetic norms and philosophical theories. Clara Lee Lundberg’s work is influenced by philosophers such as Jean-Luc Nancy, Gayatri Spivak, Frantz Fanon, Beatriz Preciado and Michel Foucault.


Performances / Works in selection:

Sala de Maravilhas
Performance / Installation with Gustavo Ciríaco and other invited artists, part of the Laboratory Sala de Maravilhas at the Centro Coreográfico, Rio de Janeiro (2012)

Videodance installation ”Corpus”
Idea and interpretation, in collaboration with director Pedro Maldonado (MEX) and composer Carl Bromell (SWE) with texts from the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nanzy. Presented at: DanceWEB Marathon / Impuls Tanz Festival 2011 (Vienna, Austria)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2011(Chicago, USA) Video dance festival Agita y Sirva 2012 (México, different cities) Göteborgs Dans och Teater Festival 2012
Lecture Performance ”About the Political Body and Beatrice Preciado”
Exclusive intimate lecture performance for 5 persons in the danceWEB/ Impuls Tanz Festival, Vienna (2011)

Genderhackers/The Laboratory of the Political Body
Open-lab-performance-piece with Paloma Madrid and invited dancers. Part 1 of the 3-parts project ”The Laboratory of Dance, Politic and Body”. The piece was performed at the Modern Dance Theatre (MDT)in Stockholm, Sweden and at Sala DT, Madrid (October 2010) an at Uppsala Pride Festival, Sweden(November 2010).

Videodance "S-dance for the dead ones"
Idea and interpretation, in collaboration with director Pedro Maldonado (MEX) Mar del Plata, Argentina, April 2009. The video was selected and presented in the VI Festival Internacional de Videodanza DV Danza Habana, March 2011

Cab Performativo / S-dance for dead people
Participating with the dance-solo ”S - dance for dead people” during the “Festival Cab Performativo” at the Theatre Chapito, Lissabon, 1-4 of September 2010.
Small piece of dance / Abundance
dance-piece together with dancer Cheila Cordeiro de Sousa (Portugal) at the Abundance Festival, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2010

Samba pra Caramba - do you have the rhythm in your blood, cara?
Modern dance performance with the dancer Malena Sjöstedt Festival Emergencia, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain, July 2009 The show premiered at the Dance Festival "Underground goes Overground", Modern Dance Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2007

La Leona / Dance and Boxing = true
Idea, interpretation, choreography, video performance Dance Festival "A Lo Sinatra", DT Espacio Escénico, Madrid, Spain December 2008. The show premiered at the Dance Festival "Underground goes Overground", Modern Dance Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008


Clara Lee Lundberg has study with teachers and choreographers as Khosro Adibi, DD. Dorvillier, Ko Murobushi, Andrew Harwood, Natalia Tencer, David Zambrano, Marlene Miller, Charmaine LeBlanc, Ori Flomin, Martin Keogh, Mey-Ling Bisogno, Edgardo Mercado and Isabelle Chad.

2001-2002 Stockholm Dance Center, Sweden 2002-2003 University College of Dance, Stockholm, Sweden 2005-2006 Estudio de Danza Clásica Gurquel, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2006-2008 IUNA, University College of Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2006-2008 National Ballet Academy of Stockholm, summer-courses 2006-2011 Alba Serra, Estudio de Danza Clásica, Buenos Aires, Argentina

CONTEMPORARY DANCE (Flying-low, Graham, Release, Tuning Score)
2004-2005 Flying-low, Culture Center San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005-2007 Flying-low, IUNA, University College of Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2007-2008 Flying-low, Culture Center "Camarin de las musas", Buenos Aires (Teacher: Edgardo Mercado)
2006-2008 Graham, Tedancari - Instituto Cubano de Danza, Buenos Aires 2008 Flying-low & Release, Estudio 3, Madrid, Spain 2008 Flying-low &, physical theater, Estudio 3, Madrid, Spain 2010 Tuning Score, (technique created by Lisa Nelson) Buenos Aires, Argentina (Teachers: Marta Bercy, Marta Gomez, Carmen Pereiro Numer, Mey-ling Bisogno and Francisco Leiva)

2008 Estudio 3, Institute for dance and theater studies, Madrid, Spain 2009-2011 Orion Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Teachers: Christian Boullosa and Vanina Goldstein) 2011 Centro Coreografico Rio de Janiero, Contact Improvisation Festival: Teachers: Martin Keogh (USA)
2009-2010 Casa Collectivo, Center for Dance and Composition Studies (Teacher: Natalia Tencer)

1996-2004 Dansdojon, Center for African Dance Studies, Stockholm, Sweden (Teachers: Mia Annervall, Camilla Sivam, Anna-Lena Tell)
1999-2002 Stockholm Dance Center, Sweden (Teacher: Pia Niemi and Karin Ericksson)

2003 FUNCEB, University College of Dance, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil 2005-2007 Danzario Americano, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Teachers: Paquito da Silva and Laura Rabinowitz) 2008 EL Horno, Dance Center, Madrid, Spain
(Teacher: Luciana Pettengill)

2000 ISA, Instituto Superior de Danza, Havanna, Cuba 2006-2008 Tedancari - Instituto Cubano de Danza, Buenos Aires (Teacher: Marta Bercy)

1998-2002 Stockholm Dance Center, Sweden (Instructor: Damon Frost, Sabina Dalfjäll, Henrik Christensen, and Patrik Helge)

2003-2008 Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Argentina (Student and assistant coach)

2000-2011, Sweden, Cuba, Chile, Argentina


Scholarships in selections

In the spring of 2012 Clara Lee Lundberg was selected to participate in the symposium Expanding Territories, taking place at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts 2-5 of June, organized by European Network for Continuing Education in Performing Arts and founded by EU's Leonardo da Vinci programme.
In the autumn of 2011Clara Lee Lundberg received a scholarship from The Swedish Arts Grants Committees was invited to do a residency at PAF (Performing Art Forum) together with the composer and cellist Sergio Castrillón to start working on the project ”Can you please take it one more time? - A performance in 10 micro pieces about improvisation and power of relations”.
Clara Lee Lundberg was awarded the danceWEB scholarship in 2011,which implies the involvement of danceWEB Scholarship Program and the participation in the dance festival Impuls Tanz in Vienna July 13 to August 17
In 2008-2009 Clara Lee-Lundberg received the scholarship of the Swedish-Spanish Foundation "Scholarship for training and continuing formation studies in dance and movement arts" in Madrid, Spain. Scholarship grant was spent on the "DT Dance and Theater Company Espacio Escénico" in Madrid. Daily training in Graham technique with the dance company members, workshops and classes in choreographic composition and theatrical production, as well as assistance in the company's performances.
In the autumn of 2009 Clara Lee Lundberg received a scholarship from The Swedish Arts Grants Committees, she realized an international exchange with Spanish performers and was invited to present the dance performance "Samba para caramba – tenés el ritmo en la sangre, cara?" at the culture center "La Casa Encendida", Madrid, Spain.
In the summer of 2010 Clara Lee Lundberg received a scholarship from The Swedish Arts Grants Committees to participate at the Summer University at PAF (Performing Art Forum), St.Erme, France, July-August 2010.


 Other dance-related activities

Workshop "Lifting and falling - reclaim your body", part of the project "The Laboratory of the Political Body" (teacher) Sep-Nov 2010 Clara took the initiative and led this workshop for 8 no-dancers, all women. She used different techniques and methods (Contact Improvisation, Tuning Score, Graham etc.) to investigate and work with weight – support and giving weight, falling, support or lift a partner and “re-activate" the power and force of both the solar plexus and the abdominal muscles. The workshop took place in Malmö Dance Center, Sweden.

LABORATORY of SCENIC EXPLORATION As the only Swedish and European dancer, Clara Lee Lundberg was invited to participate in an extensive investigative project along with 30 other dancers and performing artists at the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, Buenos Aires, Argentina, February-May 2009

Clara Lee Lundberg participated along with dance-journalist Cecilia Olsson, choreographer Malena Sjöstedt and other dancers at the Modern Dance Theatre Festival "Underground Goes Overground", Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008.

IMPRESSIONS OF DANCE, a curse in choreographic composition led by the Belgian choreographer Khosro Adibi, at the University of Karlstad, Sweden, June 2010.

Contact: Clara Lee Lundberg
Phone: + 46 (0) 739810285
Email: clara@labellamaffia.com
Website: www.labellamafia.com
Address: Siargatan 19, 2 floor 118 27 Stockholm

CV Pedro Flores Maldonado

Pedro Flores Maldonado is a theatre and video director. He’s graduated from Instituto Superior de Arte, in the Havana. In Mexico, the funded the theatre company “Perro Negro”, and he worked there 2 years as a theatre teacher. Actually he lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There he Works as free lance Audiovisual director and he still work annually in Mexico, teaching actor technics for camera.


Licensed on Theatre art / Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA). La Havana, Cuba (2002-2007)
Cine and television director
Centro de Investigación Cinematográfica. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2007 2009)
April 2004 Taller Actors Atudio Method      Jun 2005
Taller Teatro Vivo. by Renzo Sicco, Assemblea Teatro Director. La Havana, Cuba. (April 2003)
Actor Studio Technics, by Catherine Coray, New York University Professor, Havana, Cuba. (September 2005)
Intensive Course Production Publicitaria. By Mango Productions. Universidad de Colima. Colima, México (Jul 2006)
 After Effects  by Javier Delgado. Centro de Formación Profesional (SICA). Buenos Aires, Argentina. (April 2004)
 Curso de Guión. By Hans Garrino. Centro de Formación Profesional (SICA). Buenos Aires, Argentina. (April 2004)

Videodance installation ”Corpus”
Idea and interpretation, in collaboration with director Pedro Maldonado (MEX) and composer Carl Bromell (SWE) with texts from the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nanzy. Presented at: DanceWEB Marathon / Impuls Tanz Festival 2011 (Vienna, Austria)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2011(Chicago, USA) Video dance festival Agita y Sirva 2012 (México, different cities) Göteborgs Dans och Teater Festival 2012

TEACHER         Jun 2012
Workshop “Cine de bajos recursos”. Museo de la Ciudad, Guadalajara México.

TEACHER         Jun 2012
 Acting for camera.  Museo de la Ciudad, Guadalajara México.

DIRECTION      April / 2012
Videoclip “Pegate” for  Nesto y Lenny ft. Grupo Play.

DIRECTION      January / 2012
Videoclip “Persiana Americana” for Musike. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Secuestro shortfilm
Scrip and Direction. This shorfilm was part of Noviembre es Corto 2011, and winner of special mention.

Ensayos sobre el amor shortfilm
Direction. This shorfilm was part of Noviembre es Corto 2011, and winner of special mention.

Adios shortfilm
Direction. This shorfilm was part of Noviembre es Corto 2011, and winner of special mention.

DIRECTION January / 2012
Videoclip “Loco de Amor” for Grupo PLAY. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION November / 2011
Videoclip “Amor a medias no” for Grupo PLAY. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION October / 2011
Videoclip “Tu Recuerdo” for Sebastián Rott. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

TEACHER September 24-25 /2011
Workshop “Cine de bajos recursos”. Centro cultural Factoría Sensorial, Guadalajara México.

TEACHER September 12-16 /2011
 Acting for camera.  Centro cultural Factoría Sensorial, Guadalajara México.

DIRECTION Agosto / 2011
Videoclip “Así” for  Snack band. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION Jul / 2011
Videoclip- Homenaje a Perú “ Y se llama Perú”, for  Jaime la Musike. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION Jun / 2011
Videoclip “Primavera Eterna”, for the DJ Marina Pont. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

TV SPOT for Sebastián Rott .Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION April / 2011
Videoclip “Me quedo contigo” for Sebastián Rott ft. Grupo PLAY. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Backtage for the DVD “aprenda a elaborar un discurso”. Clarín y COLOMBO prensa-comunicación. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION January / 2011
Videoclip “Sé que volverás”, for Jaime la Musike. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“Live on Line” Video, for the visual artist José Sael. Inspiration Fest 20101, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

TEACHER October /2010
“Camera Acting”, Colima, Col. México.

PHOTOGRAFY October / 2010
Backstage for the ONU congress publicity. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

DIRECTION September / 2010
Videoclip “Maquinaria Basta”, for Barrabás. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION Jul / 2010
Videoclip “Lagrimas al Mar”, for  Martín Pastor . Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DIRECTION April / 2010
Videoclip “Sería”, for Jaime la Musike. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Videodance "S-dance for the dead ones"
Idea and interpretation, in collaboration with director Pedro Maldonado (MEX) Mar del Plata, Argentina, April 2009. The video was selected and presented in the VI Festival Internacional de Videodanza DV Danza Habana, March 2011

Manutara Shortfilm
Direction and scrip. And Perro Negro production. Colima, México. 2009.
Selected and presented in the Festival de cine de Toluca 2010

Play "Tatuaje" . Text of Igor Bauersima y Règine Desvigne.
Museo Regional de arte Contemporáneo. Colima, México.

Play  "Topografía de un Desnudo" . Text of Jorge Díaz, Colima, Colima, México.

Theater Acting. Colima, Colima, México.

Play "Aura" . Text Pedro Flores Maldonado based on the Carlos Fuentes novel Aura, Colima, Colima.

Contact: Pedro Flores Maldonado

Phone: + 54 (11) 20617916
Email: pedrofloresmaldonado@hotmail.com
Website: www.pedroflores.com.ar
Address: Mario Barvo 1049 Buenos Aires

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Wallaz Producciones / REEL

Esté es el resumen con los últimos trabajos de mi productora Wallaz, fundada a inicio del año pasado junto con Julián Zucchi, con el valioso trabajo de Paula Lipovsek y Alvaro Stocker. Wallaz, sigue creciendo y pronto se vienen trabajos muy interesantes.
Espero les guste!

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

WORKSHOP 2012 / día 2

El día de rodaje llegó y trabajamos en 3 cortometrajes. Comenzamos grabando en el Museo de la Ciudad, y seguimos por el Mercado Corona y calles del centro de Guadalajara. Estoy muy contento con el trabajo de todos los participantes y espero ansioso los resultados. Pronto los tendremos!

Gracias a Mariana, Horacio, Claudia, Chuy, Juan Pablo y Oscar por participar, y gracias a Elena e Ignigo de Factoria Sensorial por su ayuda, siempre incondicional.

sábado, 16 de junio de 2012


Hoy empezamos el Workshop de Cine de Bajos Recursos 2012, el el Museo de la Ciudad, en Guadalajara, México. Afotunadamente trabajamos mucho con todos los asistentes. Acá hay algunas imagenes. 
Mañana rodaje!!!

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012


El próximo 21 y 22 de Junio, estaré realizando el casting para seleccionar el elenco del largometraje “Alcatraces”; proyecto a realizarse en  Colima, durante el año 2013. La historia se desarrolla en un pueblo del municipio de Comala, teniendo como protagonistas dos familias:

FAMILIA 1: Familia campesina, formada únicamente de mujeres. El padre murió años atrás; por lo que la madre (Agustina) y su suegra (Santa) tomaron las riendas de la casa. Las niñas de la casa (Ollin y Lupe), estudian y ayudan en lo que pueden con la actividad que mantiene a la familia: el cultivo de alcatraces.

Descripción de personajes.

Ollin: Chica de 16 años, de razgos indigenas. Delgada, de complexión y movimiento infantil.
Lupe: Chica de 17 años, razgos indígenas. Lindo cuerpo, sonriente, muy simpatica.
Agustina: Mujer de 38 años aproximadamente, indigena. Es una mujer de carácter seco, cariñosa con sus hijas, pero dura en sus movimientos y en sus relaciones con los demás. Trabaja para mantener a su familia. Habla náhuatl mezclado con español.
Santa: Anciana indígena. Muy delgada y erguida.  Es una mujer espiritual, ceremoniosa, profunda. Piensa, siente y presiente mucho, antes de actuar. Habla únicamente náhuatl.

FAMILIA 2: Familia poseedora de varios viveros. Es una de las familias más acomodadas del pueblo, está integrada por los padres (Amparo y Jesús) y los hijos (Lucrecia y Efrén). Escepto Lucrecia, el resto son personas machistas y conservadoras en muchos aspectos.

Descripción de personajes.

Efrén: Muchacho de 18 años aproximadamente. Corpulento, atrativo. Es un muchacho engreído, fiestero.
Lucrecia: Chica de 20 años, corpulenta, seria, pausada, liugeramente agresiva en apariencia. Tiene una energia oscura. Es muy trabajadora y hasta cierto punto ruda.
Amparo: Mujer de 45 años aprox. Ama de casa, conservadora en pensamiento.  Manipuladora sin aceptar responsabilidades ni poder.
Jesús: Dueño varios viveros. Hombre conservador de pocas palabras. Esposo de Amparo. Se mantiene muy ausente de su casa, pero él creé que tiene la ultima palabra.

Si te interesa partcipar del casting, por favor envia 2 fotografías, una de cara y otra de cuerpo entero, un breve curriculum y el presonaje que va acorde contigo.
El material envialo a esta dirección:

En el asunto escribir de la siguiente manera.

CASTING ALCATRACES /  Carlos Martinez / Efrén

Se les enviará en respuesta el lugar y hora donde rse realizara el  casting.


sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

Rubier RIzo / Look Book

Hace un par de meses comencé este trabajo; para un buen amigo y un gran diseñador Rubier Rizo. Espero que les guste.